AI & Machine Learning

Increasing productivity with intelligent assistants, automated workflows, and advanced analytics

Harnessing AI to fuel your high-performance operations

What’s your AI strategy? Argano can help you create actionable, affordable, and responsible AI plans and solutions to minimize costs and risks, fuel efficiency, and achieve lifts in customer satisfaction and revenue. We help you build predictive data and analytics applications, automate workflows, and implement machine learning in enterprise platforms and processes. Now, with generative AI, we can help you achieve more than you ever thought possible — with less effort and cost than ever.

AI on the front line

Create unforgettable experiences for your customers. We tap AI to help you create personalized recommendations for each customer, to build engaging chatbots and virtual assistants, to provide omnichannel and multilingual customer service, and to deliver enhanced customer experiences.

AI on the backend

Leverage AI tools in design, production, inventory management, accounting, compliance, and more. We automate workflows across the enterprise, improve systems and departmental connectivity, and accelerate data collection and analysis, all while reducing manual labor across your operational processes.

Reining in AI

Governance is a vital aspect of AI that often gets overlooked. Our team begins by establishing a framework for your AI strategy, enabling you to have greater control over automations and integrations. This approach also provides guidelines for security measures for both internal and external systems, ensuring a well-rounded and protected environment.

More than ChatGPT

While ChatGPT has dominated headlines, there is a much wider spectrum of AI tools and technologies that is all about integration. Our team can empower you with Copilot from Microsoft, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, SAP AI Core, Salesforce Einstein, and more. The choice is yours and we can help you make the best one for your business.

Want to know more?

Contact us today to learn how our solutions will fuel your digital transformation.

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