Driving Improved Productivity, Faster Service Delivery and Enhanced Mobility with ERP Solution Upgrade

MYR Group is a Top 5 ENR U.S. specialty contractor with segments in commercial and industrial, transmission and distribution. Their need for efficiency and modernization was met by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.


The Challenge

MYR Group was running JD Edwards World but needed a system that was more user-friendly and modern. Green screens, a largely custom project management system, and lack of visibility for easy reporting were causing roadblocks to their productivity, and a sluggish environment. They also wanted a mobile system that would run efficiently on all devices and be able to leverage a platform for an acquisition strategy.


The Solution

Argano brought an approach that included stakeholders at all levels to establish goals and governance of the project. Leveraging Argano’s strong construction industry and JDE E1 credentials provided the client with toolkit of industry-standard templates, best practices, and methodology to analyze the base functionality offered by JDE E1 and analyze the ‘gaps’ with the current system in use. With goals to minimize any rework for new company acquisitions and standardize operating practices across the company, Argano led the MYR group and its steering committee with a focus on project costs and schedule to meet those objectives.


The Results

With a new modern ERP platform, and an Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan, MYR group accomplished its goals of user adoption, easy access formatting for decision-makers, and a faster, more efficient solution that would keep pace with an aggressive growth strategy.