Did the Great Resignation Impact Your Cyber Resiliency? A Health Check May Help.

Dec 5, 20234 mins read

The Great Resignation has not only impacted organizations from a workforce perspective, it also could have had a significant impact on an organization’s ability to be cyber resilient. When employees leave, they often take with them important knowledge and expertise about the organization’s systems and processes. This can create gaps in an organization’s cybersecurity defenses, making it more vulnerable to potential cyber attacks.

ERP and CRM systems can be targets for cyber attacks 

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems are critical to the operations of businesses. These systems are used to manage finance, accounting, inventory management, sales, customer service, and other critical business areas. As such, they often contain sensitive information, including financial data, customer records, and trade secrets, which makes them targets for cyber attackers.

ERP and CRM systems are typically accessed by a large number of users, making them susceptible to malware, phishing attacks, and other forms of cybercrime. In addition, many businesses may not have adequate security measures in place to protect their systems, making them even more vulnerable.

Managing user access to systems is a critical aspect of cybersecurity. In order to protect an organization’s systems and data, it is important to ensure that only authorized users are able to access them. By implementing strong access controls and regularly reviewing and managing user access, organizations can help protect themselves against potential security threats.

Employee turnover impact

Employee turnover can create a loss of institutional knowledge about the organization’s systems and processes. This can include knowledge about security protocols, access controls, and other critical aspects of the organization’s cybersecurity defenses, potentially creating security gaps.

Another way that employee turnover can impact an organization’s cyber resilience is through the loss of key personnel. In many cases, employees who have a deep understanding of an organization’s cybersecurity defenses are also the ones who are most likely to leave. This can leave the organization without the expertise and leadership necessary to effectively respond to and recover from a cyber attack.

To mitigate the impact of employee turnover on an organization’s cyber resilience, there are several steps that companies can take. This includes providing regular training and education on cybersecurity best practices to all employees, as well as implementing strong access controls and other security measures to protect against potential attacks. Additionally, companies can work to retain key personnel and build a strong leadership team that is committed to making cybersecurity a top priority.

By taking steps to retain key personnel and provide regular training and education on cybersecurity, companies can help protect themselves against potential attacks and ensure that they are able to recover quickly from any disruptions.

How a Health Check can help you manage the Great Resignation

One of the key reasons why managing user access is important is that it helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. By allowing only authorized users to access systems and data, organizations can help protect against potential security breaches or unauthorized disclosures. This can help prevent the loss or theft of sensitive information, which can have serious consequences for an organization, including financial losses, damage to reputation, and legal liabilities.

Another reason why managing user access is important is that it can help ensure the integrity of an organization’s systems and data. When unauthorized users can access systems and data, they may be able to make changes or modifications without the knowledge or approval of the organization. This can lead to data corruption or other issues that can disrupt business operations and impact the organization’s bottom line. By managing user access, organizations can help prevent these types of incidents and ensure that their systems and data are secure.

In addition to these benefits, managing user access can also help improve an organization’s compliance with relevant regulations and standards. Many industries have specific requirements for managing user access, including requirements for password strength, access controls, and regular reviews of user access. By implementing strong access controls and regularly reviewing and managing user access, organizations can help ensure that they are in compliance with these regulations and standards.

Managing user access to systems is an essential part of maintaining the security and integrity of an organization’s systems and data. By implementing strong access controls and regularly reviewing and managing user access, organizations can help protect themselves against potential security threats and ensure that their systems and data are secure.

Conducting a software health check on a regular basis helps ensure that your software is running securely and efficiently. By taking the time to do a regular check-up, you can help protect your software against potential issues and identify opportunities for improvement.

Not sure where to start? Contact us today to learn more about our system health checks!