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Avoiding costly shutdowns with enhanced employee safety solution
The Challenge
Fresh Mark needed to upgrade its existing ERP solution as the legacy system was no longer able to keep pace with its
evolving business needs, but — due to Covid — its needs were about to drastically change. While the pandemic allowed
some businesses to either pause operations or pivot to remote working, Fresh Mark’s business had to keep going and is hands-on, requiring staff on-site. The goal was to provide a safe working environment for its employees, which meant reducing person-to-person interaction during the work check-in process and ensuring regulatory compliance of Covid screening.
The Solution
Argano delivered a working solution — Safe Screen — in only 18 days. With a combination of thermal imaging hardware, Microsoft Power Apps, Azure Cognitive Service, Machine Learning, and other technologies, Safe Screen can identify employees who may be at high risk and protect those who are not. The application manages health checks daily, enabling employees to use a kiosk to answer a list of screening questions that are adjustable to comply with evolving health department guidelines. It takes a picture of the employee, scans their badge, provides a list of health questions to be answered by the employee (in multiple languages) and has them complete a temperature check through a thermal camera—all without any physical person-to-person interaction. Safe Screen allows Fresh Mark to:
The Results
Today, Fresh Mark is running at top speed, having barely missed a beat during the tumult of the global pandemic, and Safe Screen is now a featured application in the Argano suite of extensions for Microsoft Dynamics. Since its implementation, the Safe Screen solution has screened more than two-million entries into its corporate offices and production facilities, and “caught” nearly 2,000 people with fevers. Read about what the Microsoft team said on this client story partnership via their website here. The solution:
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