Moving to the Oracle Cloud: Why a Blueprint is Essential

Apr 25, 20223 mins read

There are so many reasons to move from an on-premise ERP system to the Oracle ERP cloud—you can unlock cost savings, efficiencies, and even new forms of revenue. In fact, the benefits of the cloud are spurring businesses to adopt cloud-based solutions at a rapid rate. McKinsey estimates that $8 out of every $10 for IT hosting will go to cloud services by 2024. What’s more, the same report projects that cloud solutions will help companies access more than $1 trillion in new business value.

Yes, the benefits are there. But for many organizations, the question isn’t should we move to the cloud. The question is how? To realize the full advantages of cloud-based ERP solutions such as Oracle’s, you need a plan of attack. This is where Argano’s Cloud Blueprint process makes all the difference. No one company is the same, and each organization requires a customized plan for which systems they’re moving to the cloud and how those moves will happen.


Our Cloud Blueprint helps define your cloud migration project’s vision, scope, and objectives. Here’s how the Cloud Blueprint process plays out:

Targeted workshops

Argano industry experts conduct targeted workshops with each business group. We discuss the current workflows, challenges each team faces, and where software solutions may add efficiencies, remove manual work, or improve visibility. These discussions create a foundational understanding of how your organization currently utilizes its technology and what the path to the cloud would look like.

Oracle Cloud migration business case

The workshop discussions provide essential information for how your organization can leverage cloud solutions to convert challenges to opportunities. We use the feedback to build a business case for your transformation cloud migration. The business case outlines how a cloud migration can automate specific functions, consolidate processes, and increase visibility into decision-making. We also include an executive alignment that incorporates leadership and organization-wide goals as part of the business case.

The business case deliverable connects your cloud migration to real business drivers and impacts. For example, we can help determine the total cost savings that cloud solutions will provide over the next five years and the opportunity costs or money lost if you delay a cloud migration.

Detailed recommendation and Oracle Cloud implementation plan

At this point, we have enough information to create a detailed recommendation of the Oracle cloud solutions that meet your organization’s needs. We also provide a comprehensive plan for how and when to implement these cloud solutions. For instance, a Cloud Blueprint may suggest that an organization first move key projects into a cloud-based solution. The organization would then incorporate the broader project base in a second phase while simultaneously adding additional functions (Procurement, Supply Chain, etc.). A third phase could weave in the remaining business functions for even better planning, completing the rollout.

The implementation plans vary by company and Cloud Blueprint. Some may require a phased approach like the one outlined above, while others may do a complete migration over the same period. With all implementation plans, we provide detailed timelines so that business users and executives understand the project’s duration, the disruption to the organization, and when they can expect to experience the benefits of their new, cloud-based systems.

Moving to the cloud can be a significant undertaking and investment. With Argano, we can help ensure that your cloud migration is more than worth it. Interested in learning more about our Cloud Blueprint process? Get in touch!

Todd Griffith